
22 May 2020
Heritage from Home

Heritage from Home - Postcards

In March 2020 An Post gave every household free postcards for posting to family and friends across the country to help them stay connected during lockdown. With social media etc. sending postcards had gone out of fashion.

19 May 2020
Heritage from Home

Heritage from Home - Ireland's Natural Forests & Woods

Contrary to popular belief most of Ireland’s natural forests were cleared before 1600, much of this clearance in prehistoric times. In medieval times there were scattered woods and copses throughout Fingal but forest cover reached a critical low in the 17th century. Much of present day Blanchardstown was covered in woodland known as the Great Scaldwood. There was an organised wolf cull in the Great Scaldwood in 1652.

18 May 2020
Heritage from Home

Heritage from Home - National Drawing day

Saturday the 16th May is National Drawing day which brings to mind the importance of illustrations, drawings and paintings of our heritage sites that have survived through the ages. In the 18th century the fashion for drawing antiquities was exemplified by Gabriel Beranger whose paintings of his Rambles thro’ the County of Dublin in 1770s beautifully recorded now long gone castles and monuments in Fingal.

31 Mar 2020

Planning System – Open for Business

Fingal County Council is seeking to ensure that every effort is being made to make certain that the planning system continues to operate effectively as possible, in the context of the most up-to-date public health advice during this COVID-19 Emergency.

10 Mar 2020
Donabate Distributor Road

The new Donabate Distributor Road has officially opened.

The Donabate Distributor Road officially opened on Friday 6th March 2020.

It is Fingal County Council’s first project constructed under the Rebuilding Ireland’s Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) to be completed.