Fingal County Council is looking for Expressions of Interest for Turnkey Housing and/or Long-Term Leasing of Developments

Fingal County Council is seeking expressions of interest for the provision of turnkey housing developments and/or long-term leasing of developments for social housing purposes across the Fingal area.

Fingal County Council is seeking expressions of interest for the provision of turnkey housing developments and/or long-term leasing of developments for social housing purposes across the Fingal area.

For turnkey and/or long-term leasing developments to be of interest to the Council, they must be close to services within an urban settlement/town/village, and within walking distance of shops, schools and local amenities. Housing design and construction standards of any proposed developments must at a minimum meet the requirements of all relevant statutory planning and building control requirements.

An ‘Expressions of Interest’ Briefing Document is available for download here or alternatively, by contacting Housing Construction Department, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 on 01-8905411 or  [email protected]  .

Submissions and supporting documentation must be received no later than 4pm on Friday 3rd April 2020. Fingal County Council is not obliged to purchase any turnkey housing development or enter into any long-term lease for developments that may be submitted as part of this process.