
04 Apr 2022
Active Travel

Fingal Active Travel Strategy now under Public Consultation

Fingal County Council is inviting the public to view and respond to a draft Active Travel Strategy for Fingal. Created by the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel, this document is a first for Fingal as it looks to the future of Active Travel and transport in the county.

01 Apr 2022
Creative Fingal

Women of Fingal Tapestry Launched

The women of Fingal have been captured in tapestry! As part of the Creative Ireland Programme Fingal County Council is delighted to launch the Women of Fingal Tapestry.  The Tapestry, created by artist Agnieszka ‘Uisce’ Jakubczyk captures aspects of Fingal's women throughout the ages from finds uncovered on the Drumanagh excavations to revolutionary women and was launched in Rush Library by Mayor of Fingal Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh.

01 Apr 2022
Census 2022

Census 2022 will take place on Sunday 3 April 2022

The next census in Ireland will take place on 3 April  2022.  This will be the 26th census since 1841.

The census is one of the most important undertakings in the country. It is important for you, your family, your parents and children, your local community, your county, your region and for your country.

31 Mar 2022

Works to commence in Porterstown Park

Fingal County Council wishes to advise that extensive work is set to begin at Porterstown Park in Dublin 15 from Monday the 4th of April as part of the council's efforts to upgrade facilities in the area.