Clean Air Together Launched

The EPA in partnership with An Taisce’s Environmetnal Education Unit launched Clean Air Together on 23 August. The project seeks to recruit 1000 citizen scientists in Dublin to undertake NO2 sampling during October and November. 

Clean Air Together Logo

Clean Air Together invites members of the public to measure Dublin’s air quality. It is a citizen science project where 1,000 participants will record levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) pollution in their local area. It is a joint project between the EPA and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce. It will give them a better understanding of air pollution across Dublin and help to improve air quality in the future.


How does it work?

If you are in Dublin, you can apply for free to be one of 1,000 selected participants by the 22nd of September. If you are selected:

  • The EPA and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce will send you out a measurement tube to put outside your chosen location from 8 October to 5 November.
  • The tube will measure your average NO2 levels over the period.
  • On the completion date, you’ll just need to take down the tube and post it back (in a pre-paid envelope) to the laboratory for analysis.
  • You’ll get your results from the team and they’ll create an interactive map on their website displaying all the results to the public.
  • You will be able to see how your Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels compare to other parts of Dublin.
Nitrogen Dioxide Graphic

What is Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a pollutant gas that mainly comes from vehicle traffic. Being exposed to NO2 gas, even for short periods, can have harmful effects on our health and wellbeing.

EPA monitoring and computer modelling show that in some urban areas NO2 pollution is increasing. It will be important to remain vigilant to increasing NO2 levels, particularly from transport in urban centres when the economy grows.

You can find out more about NO2 and air quality by going to EPA’s Air Quality page on their website.


How will the results be used?

The results will give EPA and An Taisce a better picture of air quality across Dublin, raise awareness of air quality in general, inform air quality policy and promote behaviour change.

By better understanding air pollution in Dublin and the impact it can have on our health, they can plan to improve air quality in our local areas.


Who can apply?

If you are in Dublin and over 18 years of age, you can apply to take part in Clean Air Together. You don’t have to have any scientific knowledge or expertise to take part. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies to take part will be selected. There is a limit of 1,000 tubes that need to be spread across the city.

If you can’t apply for the project or if you are not selected, you can still follow the project and learn more about what you can do for air quality on the Clean Air Together website.

You can also help by telling others about it, for example through social media (#CleanAirTogether and #KnowYourNO2).


How will they choose participants?

Participants will be selected primarily based on location.

  • They’re particularly interested in measuring areas that have a lot of traffic. For example, within the boundaries of the M50 motorway and along main roads from the city centre.
  • They also aim to have at least 30 measurement tubes per Dublin City and County district postal code. (e.g. D1, D3, etc.).

EPA and An Taisce would like as many people as possible from different communities and all walks of life to take part.


When will I know I am selected to take part?

Selected applicants will be informed by 24 September. Please look out for the email from the team.


How can I apply?

Fill in the form here.

Graphic of girl testing nitrogen dioxide levels