Closing date looms for 2020 Events and Festivals Financial Assistance Scheme

Applications from groups and organisations seeking financial assistance from Fingal County Council's Events Section for Festivals and Events taking place in 2020 will close on Tuesday, 17 December 2019, at 3pm.

Malahide Castle concert series

Applications will be accepted for existing and/or new events or festivals which animate public spaces in creative and innovative ways and which are focused on developing measurable tourism impacts in the County.

Interested parties must meet a number of other eligibility criteria including:

  • Have a general audience appeal and be socially inclusive.
  • Clearly demonstrate potential to generate economic, social and/or cultural benefits.
  • Complement the County’s calendar of events in relation to attracting overseas’ visitors.
  • Meet the Events Unit’s objective of compiling a varied programme of events throughout the year including content, seasonal and geographical spread.
  • Demonstrate financial sustainability and the capacity to develop the event.
  • Have a clear PR and marketing plan including a social media strategy to actively promote the event.

Fingal County Council’s Events Unit supports tourism through the Fingal Statement of Tourism Strategy 2017 - 2022 and businesses in our towns through a wide-ranging programme of events.

Since the formation of the Events Unit in 2010, the number of events being held and supported annually has increased year on year. The programme is a combination of Fingal County Council’s own events, events in partnership with other bodies that have similar objectives, and events run by external organisers who receive direct funding contributions from Fingal County Council through a financial assistance programme.

The closing date for applications for funding is on Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 3pm for events taking place in 2020.

For more information and an application form, please email span>[email protected]</span></span> .