Construction on Snugborough Interchange continues with closure of pedestrian underpass
Fingal County Council has advised people living in the Dublin 15 area that, as part of the construction work on the Snugborough Interchange in Blanchardstown, the existing pedestrian underpass will close today (May 17). This is necessary to complete the works safely.

Pedestrians have been advised that a diversion route will be in place over the bridge via the footpaths and controlled interchange. The duration of the closure will be minimised as much as possible.
Other works to be carried out in the coming months include the construction of earth retaining structures to the south of Snugborough road which will facilitate commencement of new underpass construction.
The construction of retaining walls to the west of the bridge to facilitate widening of N3 off ramp and Blanchardstown SC link road will also commence, while piling works on the new bridge structure are expected to begin in August.
Traffic management updates will be available at
Contracts between Fingal County Council and BAM Civil Ltd, who were appointed following a competitive tender process, have now been signed.
Fingal Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly and Tadhg Lucey, COO of BAM put pen to paper at the Civic Offices in Blanchardstown. They were joined by Deputy Mayor of Fingal Cllr Robert O’Donoghue, Director of Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Matthew McAleese and Senior Engineer Paul Carroll.
The project, co-funded by the National Transport Authority, includes the construction of a second bridge over the N3 national primary route as well as new bus lanes, footpaths, protected cycle tracks and traffic lanes giving improved accessibility to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre and the Dublin Enterprise Zone in Mulhuddart.
The scheme has been designed to address network congestion issues and deliver significant improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and bus services.
Measures to improve the operational efficiency of the two junctions either side of the N3 including bus priority measures that will support the Bus Connects project are included in the project.
The entire project is expected to take two years to complete.
For further information on this project please visit the project website