Coolquay – Planning for the Future
Following a leaflet drop, a drop-in session with members of the planning team was held in Kilcoskan National School, Coolquay yesterday evening. This was very well attended, with approximately 100 people attending between 5 and 8 pm. Fingal County Council wish to thank everyone for attending.
The purpose of the evening was to gather local input and knowledge which will assist the Council in planning for the future development of Coolquay and many ideas and issues were discussed.
As a result of this meeting, it has been decided to extend the time within which submissions can be made in respect of any future LAP for Coolquay. The closing date for submission is now 17th April 2020.
Your submissions may be made in the following ways:
Or by post to:
Senior Executive Officer,
Planning and Strategic Infrastructure
Fingal County Council,
County Hall,
Main Street,
Co Dublin.
K67 X8Y2