Council announces ambitious €767m three-year Capital Programme
Fingal County Council has approved an ambitious €767m three-year Capital Programme which sets out significant investment on projects across the County, with a strong emphasis on the delivery of housing, active travel measures and greenway infrastructure over its lifetime.

The three-year rolling Programme 2021-2023 identifies 233 individual projects across all seven council divisions with an estimated spend of €767.12m, an increase of 24 per cent on the previous plan.
The Programme projects a capital spend in 2021 of €217m, followed by €246m in 2022 and a further €303m in 2023.
The Council’s commitment to delivering housing and meeting Government targets, having delivered over 6,151 social housing solutions between 2015-2019, will continue with €334m set aside over the next three years. Over €116m has been earmarked for housing in 2021 with €218m due to be spent over the following two years.
Some €146.69m has been allocated towards Active Travel and Greenway Infrastructure which will allow work continue on delivering key projects such as the Broadmeadow Greenway, the Sutton to Malahide Greenway, Fingal Coastal Way, Royal Canal Urban Greenway, Harry Reynolds Road Cycleway and the Damastown-Clonsilla Cycle Route Design.
Mayor of Fingal Cllr David Healy said: “This is a comprehensive investment programme from Fingal County Council which has a strong emphasis on housing and development of greenway infrastructure across the County.
“Our commitment to Climate Change Action is reinforced with significant funding set aside for active travel infrastructure to enable walking and cycling throughout the County, as well as completing the conversion of public lighting to LED and the provision of electric vehicle charging points. I am also delighted to see continued vital investment in our wonderful parks, which are playing a key role for our health and well-being as we deal with the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “This is an ambitious investment programme across all areas of the County. Despite the challenges that have been brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, Fingal County Council is committed to fulfilling or mission to be a great place to live, work, visit and do business.
“Given the growing nature of our County, there are always competing demands and I firmly believe the Capital Programme sets out a strategic and balanced approach to delivering infrastructure to meet the needs of all our communities and stakeholders.”
Under the Capital Programme 2021-2023, a further €20m has been set aside for the delivery of the Swords Cultural Quarter, with €2.5m allocated for 2021. Some €5.8m has been set aside under Libraries in 2021 with €2.5m earmarked for the refurbishment of Skerries Library next year as part of an overall expenditure of €5.7m over the course of the three-year programme.
The Community, Culture and Sports Departments have been allocated a total of €13.7m over the course of three years, with an expenditure of €2.7m set aside for next year which will see continued investment in Community Centre upgrades and the Rush Multi-Purpose facility.
Significant investment in road transportation projects will also continue with €8m set aside for the Snugborough Road Interchange in both 2021 and 2022 as part of an overall capital expenditure of €17m on the project. Investment in developing recreational hubs including River Valley Park all-weather pitch and Porterstown Park has also been set aside.
Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Department will account for €73.95m over the period 2021-2023 with €19m being spent on projects in 2020 such as Our Balbriggan and development works at Newbridge House, Malahide Castle and Ardgillan Castle.
The Operations Department has been allocated €40m over the course of the 2021-23 programme which will see continued investment in the LED Public Lighting Improvement Programme, playground upgrades, electric charging points and public toilet refurbishment at various locations, as well as development of parklands and recreational areas across the County.
The presentation of the 2020-2022 Capital Programme to councillors can be viewed at
A copy of the 2020-2022 Capital Programme can be viewed at