Council has commenced tendering process for Snugborough Interchange Upgrade scheme

Fingal County Council has commenced the tendering process for a main contractor to undertake the Snugborough Interchange Upgrade scheme, which will bring about significant improvements for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.
The project includes the construction of a new bridge over the N3, adjacent to the existing Snugborough Road bridge, as well as a new footpath and cycle track. A new pedestrian and cyclist underpass will also be built.
Measures to improve the operational efficiency of the two junctions either side of the N3 including bus priority measures that will support the Bus Connects project will also be carried out as part of the upgrade.
The tendering process will be progressed over the course of the coming months with a successful tenderer expected to be identified by December.
The scheme construction period is expected to be 24 months and will involve significant traffic management on the N3 and Snugborough Road. Further details will be communicated to the local community and other stakeholders when available.
Director of Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Matthew McAleese said: ‘I am delighted to see this project, which will have massive benefits for the area, progress forward. One of the many positive aspects of this scheme is the inclusion of improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. I look forward to seeing this scheme moving onto the construction phase, which will hopefully get underway next year.”
Senior Engineer Paul Carroll said: “While the project will improve traffic flows at this junction, a key benefit of the upgrade will be the significant improvements for public transport users, pedestrians and cyclists on the bridge and at the adjacent junctions.
“This scheme will strengthen the connections between Blanchardstown Village and the Blanchardstown Town Centre and residential areas to the east of the N3.”
The project is financed by Fingal County Council and the National Transport Authority.