Demolition commenced on Balbriggan buildings

Contractors working on behalf of Fingal County Council have commenced the demolition of O’Sheas Buildings in Balbriggan after they were deemed to be a dangerous structure.

The dilapidated building - which included the Home Nightclub and a pub - closed its doors to the public several years ago and occupies a prime location on Balbriggan Harbour.

Archaeological monitoring will be put in place during demolitions in order to identify and record any significant historical remains of previous buildings on the site.

The works will include the demolition of all the buildings on the site and securing the perimeter of the site and are due to be completed by the end of January 2022. Following the demolition of the buildings the Council, through the Our Balbriggan Regeneration Project, will move ahead with plans to create a lively pier and waterfront area that will open up greater tourism opportunities for the town and see more food and leisure amenities in place as a result.

The regeneration of Balbriggan will see a significant transformation of the town, with plans to create a vibrant new cultural, leisure and business hub that will include retail space, office space and a food area.

Demolition to commence on Balbriggan buildings
Balbriggan Harbour's vibrant new cultural, leisure and business hub

O'Sheas Balbriggan