Draft Fingal Community Archaeology Strategy 2019 -2023 now open for public consultation
The draft Fingal Community Archaeology 2019-2023 is now open for public consultation and submissions can be made at https://consult.fingal.ie/en/consultation/draft-fingal-community-archaeology-strategy-2019-2023 until the 27 September 2019.
Submissions can also be made by email to [email protected] or in writing to Christine Baker, Community Archaeologist, Fingal County Council, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin.
To date, several Fingal community archaeology projects have been developed and implemented by Fingal’s Community Archaeologist. These include excavations Swords Castle: Digging History 2015-2017; Big Dig at Bremore Castle 2017; Digging Drumanagh 2018; a geophysical survey project and exhibition What Lies Beneath; Naul Community Dig 2019 as well as schools outreach, publications and Conservation Plans; seminars, Culture night and Heritage Week events, photo competitions and the Fingal Fieldnames Project.
The aim is to make archaeology accessible to new audiences, as well as engaging all sectors of society with their archaeological heritage.
Fingal County Council is preparing the Fingal Community Archaeology Strategy 2019-2023, to protect, manage and promote our archaeological heritage. As part of the process, we want to hear from people and organisations with interest in Fingal’s cultural heritage.
Archaeology has a powerful contribution to make to the quality of life of today’s citizens in terms of social inclusion, environmental protection and sustainable development. It is not just about finding out about ‘what happened then’ but how what happened then informs now. For example, the effects of modern lifestyles and farming practices on the climate and landscape can be informed through looking at long-term human interaction with the environment.
A survey of public perceptions by the Heritage Council and RedC (December 2018) records that 92% of Irish adults believe having archaeological remains is an advantage for a town; 90% believe that archaeology is important for tourism and 83% of Irish adults believe supporting and developing archaeology is important economically for Ireland. The value of cultural heritage including archaeological heritage as a key component for ‘sustainability, developing creative cultural spaces, attracting talent and enterprise’ is recognized in as a key strategic outcome in the National Planning Framework: Ireland 2040.
Fingal is also the county with one of the largest, fastest-growing, most ethnically diverse and youngest populations in Ireland. Community archaeology is a valuable means of sharing our identity, traditions and sense of place between generations and with new communities. The Fingal Community Archaeology Strategy is an opportunity for communities to participate in their past- into the future.
For further information contact [email protected]