Emergency funding available for community and voluntary groups in Fingal

The Fingal Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) would like to invite applications from community, not-for-profit and voluntary groups for funding under the COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

The online application form and guidelines are available on Fingal County Council’s website at https://submit.link/8vh4J.

The COVID-19 Emergency Fund is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area. The 1st round of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund was launched in April 2020.

This is the 2nd round of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund and has funding of €1.7m nationally with €59,820 allocated to Fingal County Council. Under the scheme, 30% of available funds have been ring-fenced to provide small grants of €1,000 or less.

The new fund which is available for applications from 26th January will provide grants to community groups to assist them:

  • Adapt their services and operations to fit the new COVID-19 reality. Examples of measures supported could be adapting premises to allow for social distancing; offering on-line activities; providing social supports and friendly calls by phone etc.
  • Become more involved in the Government's 'Keep Well' campaign. The grants are aimed at assisting participation in the campaign, in particular with the three themes: staying connected, switching off and being creative, and minding your mood.
  • In exceptional cases the grants may also be provided to supporting groups (including those involved in the community call) with day to day running costs.

The type of expenditure that might be supported could include:

  • Adapting facilities to safely accommodate people
  • Adapting services to increase virtual participation
  • Positive impacts on the environment such as a reduction in energy consumption;
  • Collaboration with the local authority or other relevant bodies in Fingal
  • The creation of a sense of place within the community;
  • Technology investment which will be accessed by individuals and communities

Speaking in relation to the new COVID-19 Emergency Fund the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. David Healy said: “This Fund provides vital support to community groups in Fingal to help them improve their facilities and services. Fingal County Council offers this support due to our awareness of the central role community groups play in the wellbeing of communities across the County. This funding scheme is designed to help local groups to continue delivering improvements in their own local areas.”

Commenting on the announcement, AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council said: “Fingal County Council really values the work of our community groups and I hope that this additional funding under the COVID-19 Emergency Fund will help them to continue the important work that they carry out within our county. I urge communities to familiarise themselves with the funding scheme and to apply for funding if they feel that it can help our efforts to support each other during this Pandemic.”

Emer O’Gorman, Fingal County Council’s Director of Service for Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Cultural Development welcomed the announcement saying: “This investment in our local communities is to be welcomed. This additional funding compliments other initiatives being undertaken by the Council at present in helping local areas.”  

Declan Ryan, Chief Officer of the Fingal Local Community Development Committee added: “This Funding Scheme should be of particular interest to local community and voluntary groups as there is no requirement for them to have match funding. This should enable greater flexibility and opportunity for groups when applying. Every effort will be made to fund as many local groups as possible with the available funding.”

Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 12:00 Friday February 26, 2021.

Any enquiries should be directed to [email protected] .