Fingal County Council to carry out substantial investment in regional roads, including provision of extensive cycling infrastructure

Fingal County Council regional roads investment

Fingal County Council plans to carry out a multi-million euro investment in regional roads across Fingal, which will include the provision of extensive cycling infrastructure as part of the upgrade works.

An extensive examination of the regional road network was carried out across the County, and has prompted a two-phase approach to improving the network for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

Work is set to begin shortly on the first project under this programme on carriageway works and lining for cycle facilities from Blake’s Cross to Minister’s Road on the R132 in Lusk.

A further upgrade from Hedgestown to the Applegreen Service Station, which will also improve the cycling network, has also been identified under phase one and will commence later this year.

Other projects identified in phase one include investment in carriageway works and lining for cycle facilities on the R135 North Road, as well as the provision of structural upgrade drainage works on the R127 Blake’s Cross to Lusk Road and upgrading the carriageway and off-road cycle tracks on the Ballycoolin Road.

In terms of phase two, further improvements of the R132 Swords to Balbriggan road, including upgrades of the Swords by-pass as well as the construction of a new junction at Blake’s Cross have also been identified.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Eoghan O’Brien said: “This is a substantial investment by Fingal County Council in the road network across the county, which will see significant improvements not only for motorists but for cyclists and pedestrians too. I am particularly pleased to see that the improvement works will include extensive upgrades of the cycle network.”

This is a substantial investment by Fingal County Council in the road network across the county, which will see significant improvements not only for motorists but for cyclists and pedestrians too.

Director of Operations David Storey said: “I am delighted to see the roll-out of this substantial investment programme in our regional roads. Contracts have just been signed to allow for the commencement of the first project from Blake’s Cross to Minister’s Road in Lusk, which will see improvements for all road users, whether you are a motorist, cyclist or a pedestrian."

Interim Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “This is the beginning of a planned programme to improve the roads in Fingal and I am delighted to see the first project get started. We want to improve connectivity between our towns and villages, for pedestrians, cyclists and  motorists, and this is a key priority under the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. We will continue this investment with additional schemes getting underway in the coming year."