Fingal County Council wants imput to guide the future development of Stephenstown and Folkstown Little Balbriggan
Fingal County Council has prepared a Draft Framework Plan for the Stephenstown and Folkstown Little areas of Balbriggan and we want your views. Stakeholder and public engagement are central to the Plan and submissions are welcome from Thursday 17th October 2024 to Friday 15th November.

Fingal County Council has prepared a Draft Framework Plan for the Stephenstown and Folkstown Little areas of Balbriggan and we want your views. Stakeholder and public engagement are central to the Plan and submissions are welcome from Thursday 17th October 2024 to Friday 15th November. An information meeting will also be held in the Our Balbriggan Programme Office on Wednesday 30th October 2024.
This Framework Plan will guide future development within the Stephenstown and Folkstown Little area at Balbriggan, to create a vibrant and sustainable employment zone which will support and encourage economic development and sustainable connections, and provide an attractive, high-quality environment for existing and future employment.
The Framework is intended to act as a general guidance document for the Planning Authority and potential applicants for planning permission in the area, in accordance with the Fingal Development Plan. It seeks to deliver a structured approach to the development of this important employment landbank, to integrate the lands with the Balbriggan urban centre and the surrounding residential areas, to ensure ease of access to future employment, and to safeguard a quality living and working environment, in line with the Strategic Vision for Fingal (Section 1.2 of the Fingal Development Plan): “Fingal will embrace healthy placemaking and economic prosperity through building cohesive and sustainable communities, where our cultural, natural and built environment is protected”
Members of the public and other interested groups are invited to attend a drop-in public information session regarding the content of the draft Framework Plan in the Our Balbriggan Programme Office, St. George’s Square, Balbriggan on Wednesday 30th October 2024 from 4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.
Submissions or observations may be made in respect of the Draft Stephenstown and Folkstown Little Framework Plan from Thursday 17th October 2024 to Friday 15th November 2024 online or in writing.
For further information and to view all documents see