Fingal County Council welcomes Heritage Council board to County Hall

Heritage Council Board

Fingal County Council has hosted a Heritage Council board meeting at its headquarters in Swords, marking the long-standing and successful relationship between the two organisations.

On Thursday, the Heritage Council Board held its meeting in the council chamber in County Hall in Swords, followed by a visit to view the restoration work at nearby Swords Castle and dinner at Malahide Castle and Gardens.

On Friday, they enjoyed a tour around Fingal where they visited three project sites, namely Malahide Casino, Newbridge House and Farm in Donabate, and Drumanagh, between Loughshinny and Rush.

Interim Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “The visit by the Board of the Heritage Council marks the longstanding and fruitful relationship the heritage Council has with Fingal County Council."

She spoke of the importance of the Heritage Officer programme and the Heritage Council’s Community Archaeologist initiative. “We value these programmes immensely and will continue to promote the work of both councils through them. Heritage Week is where the collaboration and cooperation is perhaps most evident and this year we hope to have as wide a programme of events in our communities as ever.”

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Anthony Lavin said: “This is the first time the board has visited our county and we are delighted to introduce you to some of the heritage assets of Fingal and to show you some of our important ongoing projects. Fingal has a rich variety of environmental and heritage resources. These include the coast, countryside, rivers, amenity lands, and rich archaeological and architectural heritage found throughout the County.”

He added: “The physical traces left in the landscape by previous generations in archaeological monuments and sites and in historic buildings, townscapes and vernacular structures forms part of the tangible cultural heritage of Fingal linking the past and present.

“It is part of our identity, part of the distinctive character, vibrancy and attractiveness of where we come from or the places we live and work in and plays a significant role in drawing visitors to the area.”

Heritage Council chairperson Michael Parsons said: “I am delighted that the Heritage Council held its Board meeting in Fingal this week. This reflects its longstanding and productive relationship with Fingal County Council. The Heritage Council, though its support of initiatives such as the Community Archaeologist programme, has worked and continues to work closely with the County Council to assist it in raising awareness of Fingal’s rich and varied heritage.  I look forward to seeing the impact of this support on the ground over the coming days.”


Caption 1:

Marie Bourke. Board of the Heritage Council, Christine Baker, Community Archaeologist FCC, Fionnuala May, County Architect FCC and Board of the Heritage Council,  and Ivor Mc Ilveen, Board of the heritage Council

Caption 2:
Members of the Board of the Heritage Council attend their meeting in the council chamber at County Hall, Swords.



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Heritage council board meeting

The visit by the Board of the Heritage Council marks the longstanding and fruitful relationship the heritage Council has with Fingal County Council. We value these programmes immensely and will continue to promote the work of both councils through them. Heritage Week is where the collaboration and cooperation is perhaps most evident and this year we hope to have as wide a programme of events in our communities as ever.