Fingal Users Reminded to Safely Stow Bikes this Make Way Day

Two men with bike at bike stand

Every corner of Ireland is being put to the test for basic access issues this Friday, September 30th as Make Way Day returns. The backbone of this campaign are people with disabilities and Fingal County Council is working to ensure the streets are accessible to all.


Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Howard Mahony, stressed the importance of personal responsibility when it comes to maintaining safe public spaces, ‘This Make Way Day we’re focusing on something we can all do immediately to help disabled and mobility impaired Fingal citizens get from A to B. We are pleased to work with DFI again for Make Way Day 2022.’


Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnneMarie Farrelly said, ‘Ensuring our streets are welcoming to everyone regardless of mobility or disability is very important. Our teams work together across departments to design public realm spaces that accommodate all needs and today we’re issuing a special reminder that stowing your bike or eBike safely, without blocking paths or crossing points, is a simple way we can help everyone move safely throughout our county.


George Chamberlain, Senior Communications Manager with Tier, says the eBike provider is serious about accessibility, ‘At Tier we work closely with our disability board to test and audit our approach and technology. Proper locking of bikes is just one thing Tier users can do to ensure they don’t block pathways or entrances for those who may need the full path width for a wheelchair or visually impaired people who may need clear access to building boundaries for safe movement. Always lock your bike safely and out of the way of others, either at or next to a bike stand.’


Stephen McGinn, Walking and Cycling Officer with Fingal County Council, issued a reminder that bike parking is available throughout the county. ‘We’re delighted to see bike share use increasing month on month. With more people using Bleeper bikes and Tier eBikes our bike parking is in demand so we’re delighted to be adding new bike parking racks all over the county at beaches, schools, parks, in shopping areas and at public transport links. Visit to find a map of all new bike stands throughout Fingal’.

Make Way Day 2022

Campaign organisers the Disability Federation of Ireland, DFI, have developed an online tool that campaigners can use to test and rate their local area along with using Make Way Day stickers to highlight the issues faced by people with disabilities.


The Make Way Day online tool, released today, empowers people to survey their area for obstacles and rate its accessibility. It will once again give them the chance to share their frustrations by posting photos of obstacles to social platforms with the hashtag, #MakeWayDay22.


The tool will be available at from Friday, 30 September. It is easy to use and download to a phone and will be circulated widely on the campaign’s social media platforms. 


DFI aim to create one comprehensive map of access across Ireland by coordinating the national results, feeding them back to the right people and working with local authorities to foster clearer streets.