Fingal's Creative Ireland Programme 2021
Fingal County Council is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications as part of Fingal’s Creative Ireland Programme 2021.

The fund will provide support to individuals and/or local groups, operating on a not for profit basis, for projects which creatively address the themes of Community Wellbeing and Culture, Heritage, Music, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) and the Irish Language.
Due to Covid and the current restrictions in the physical environment, applicants are advised to also consider and re-imagine proposals via virtual and online platforms.
Mayor of Fingal Cllr David Healy commented: “I welcome the announcement of this funding which will help foster creativity and be of great assistance to groups and individuals in Fingal as they develop projects in their area. These creative projects will be a positive benefit for the community at a time when it is really needed.”
Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “Fingal County Council, through its Creative Ireland Strategy is committed to providing opportunities for citizens throughout the county to realise their full creative potential. Creativity has never been more important than in these difficult times as we deal with the challenges of Covid. Through this funding the Council will support the development of a range of creative and cultural initiatives and assist with the necessary transition to online events.”
Emer O’Gorman, Director of Services, Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Cultural Development Department, under whose Department the Creative Fingal Programme now sits commented: “Our Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018 – 2022, provides a framework for ongoing engagement between the community, creative practitioners and Fingal County Council. Our community and local groups have demonstrated their commitment to contributing to culture and creativity in Fingal through this funding. We look forward to seeing this continue in 2021, albeit in a reimagined online format.”
Closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 5th March 2021.
Further information can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or at