Have your say: Fingal Voices App is live and ready to download

Users can vote, rate and comment on specific consultations and questionnaires, submit ideas and suggest improvements, and access local and community news and events information.

fingal voices launch

The above photograph was taken at an event in October 2019, before the introduction of Social Distancing guidelines.

Fingal County Council’s Fingal Voices public consultation app is now publicly available.

After some months of beta testing, the new mobile application called Fingal Voices is now publicly available on app stores. The app enables Fingal County Council residents to participate in decision-making, make their voices heard and engage with their local government in an innovative and fun manner.

Residents can access public consultations directly via the smartphone app and will accrue points through their engagement which are convertible for vouchers and gifts at various local retail partners.

suggest vote 3d

Users can vote, rate and comment on specific consultations and questionnaires, submit ideas and suggest improvements, and access local and community news and events information.

This is an additional service available to Fingal residents and does not replace the existing consultation mechanisms such as the Fingal County Council Consultation Portal.

The app is available for Android at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.smartfutures.fingal.unheard_voices&ah=msoN0fTqJeJ6gFV8pZGFsntfPVI and can be accessed for Apple devices at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fingal-voices/id1463183382 .