Invasive shrub clearance work to begin at Ward River Park

Laurel clearance work to begin in key Swords park

The Council is currently undertaking significant woodland management works in the Ward River Regional Park.   These works involve the removal of invasive species which are threatening the survival of the woodland and damaging significant heritage features in the park. Unfortunately some park users are continually breaching and damaging the protective fencing erected by the tree works contractor.  In doing so there are creating a significant hazard to themselves, other park users and the contractor as well as causing delays to the works programme.  It is essential that all park users respect and do not interfere with the boundary fencing erected by the contractor.”

Cherry Laurel clearance works are set to recommence at The Usher’s Lake area of Ward River Park on Monday 12th February.

There will be no access along the path on the southern side of Usher’s Lake for a week and small areas of the park will be closed to the public while works are ongoing. These works are carried out in accordance with recommendations contained in the Woodland Management Plan produced for The Ward River Regional Park.

Cherry Laurel is a non-native invasive shrub that creates dense shady conditions. This makes it very difficult for other plants and trees to germinate or grow underneath the Cherry Laurel. If left to their own device, the Laurel will eventually dominate the entire woodland.

The Council is keen to restore native woodland in the park with wide variety of trees and plants. By removing the Cherry Laurel sunlight will reach the soil again, which will allow for the natural germination of trees and typical woodland plants.

The works are part of the ongoing Ward River Regional Park Development Project which aims to create a vastly enhanced Ward River Regional Park covering an 80-hectare (200 Acres) area between Swords town centre and Knocksedan Bridge. 

The delivery of the Regional Park Project will help meet the demands of a growing population in the county town as well as providing an appealing destination for visitors to Swords.