Ladyswell up for the Smoke Free Homes Challenge

Healthy Fingal, in collaboration with the HSE and Empower launched the Smoke Free Homes Initiative on World No Tobacco Day on Friday 31st May at Ladyswell National School, Mulhuddart.

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Healthy Fingal, in collaboration with the HSE and Empower launched the Smoke Free Homes Initiative on World No Tobacco Day on Friday 31st May at Ladyswell National School, Mulhuddart.


What is the Smoke Free Homes Initiative?

The Smoke Free Homes Initiative is a 4-week challenge taking place in July aimed at promoting a smoke/vape-free environment for families and is designed to protect children from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. The programme is about encouraging and supporting families to make their homes and cars smoke free so that everyone is protected from the harm of secondhand smoke. Stop Smoking Advisors from Empower and the HSE will engage with students on the dangers of smoking and vaping through age-appropriate discussions. Each student will receive information about the Smoke/Vape Free Homes Challenge and details on the colouring competition, aimed at creatively reinforcing the smoke-free message. Parents and guardians will be provided with information to sign up for the initiative and provided with the knowledge and resources on a weekly basis throughout July to support a smoke-free environment for their families.

Cllr JK Onwumereh, was on hand as acting Mayor of Fingal to promote the initiative and said “smoking and vaping pose significant health risks, especially to young children, however, through education and community support, we can make a real difference in reducing exposure to second-hand smoke."

"We are delighted to bring the Smoke Free Homes Challenge to Ladyswell National School," said Niall Mc Guirk, Healthy Fingal Coordinator. "Our goal is to empower families with the knowledge and resources they need to protect their children from the harmful effects of smoke and create healthier living environments."

At the launch Keira Brett, Empower Health & Wellbeing lead said “Empower, Fingal’s Local Development Company, has led on various initiatives supporting local communities to become smoke free, through our successful delivery of evidence-based smoking cessation programmes.

We look forward to continuing our collaborative work with the HSE and Fingal County Council in supporting Fingal households to commit to their homes and/or cars becoming smoke and vape free through Smoke Free Homes.”

The Risk of Secondhand Smoke to Children

Children are more at risk from secondhand smoke. This is because they breathe more rapidly, and their lungs, airways and immune system are still developing.

Secondhand smoke can increase a child’s risk of:

  • ear infections
  • asthma
  • allergies
  • meningitis
  • cancer
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia

Babies exposed to secondhand smoke are also at increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (cot death). Children who grow up seeing their parents smoke are also 3 times more likely to smoke when they grow up.

How to Access Free Stop Smoking Supports

Empower offer free We Can Quit group stop smoking support and medication. To register or to refer click on the link or email [email protected]

The HSE offers free 1:1 advisor support and stop smoking medication across 23 community Stop Smoking clinics, with appointments available over the phone and in person. To learn more, to register or to refer click on the link call 018976124 or email %68wb.dn%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected]

For more information about the Smoke Free Homes Challenge, please contact:

Miriam Hudson 

Health Promotion & Improvement Officer, HSE 

Phone: 087-448-5708

Email: [email protected]


Niall Mc Guirk 

Healthy Fingal Coordinator, FCC   

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