Launch of “Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal”

Fingal County Council has launched its draft Tree Strategy entitled “Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal – Draft Document”. The Draft Strategy is now going through a Non-statutory Public Consultation Process which will continue from National Tree Day 2020 on October 1 until the end of National Tree Week in March 2021.

The purpose of this Consultation Process is to provide the public with an opportunity to examine the objectives, policies and actions outlined in the Draft Strategy and to suggest changes as appropriate.

The Mayor of Fingal, Councillor David Healy, said: “The revision of Fingal’s Tree Strategy Forest of Fingal is an indication of the Council’s continued commitment to looking after one of its most important natural resources and assets, its trees. Trees enhance our citizens’ Health and Wellbeing and Quality of Life and will help to secure a sustainable future in Fingal.”

Fingal County Council manages approximately 2,000 Hectares of Public Open Space and many public parks in the county have significant stands of woodland framing important and often iconic landscapes. Fingal also has approximately 70,000 trees located in streets and residential open spaces, most of which are maintained by the local authority.

Fingal County Council Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “The Council recognises how significant urban trees and green space have helped to shape the landscape of towns and villages across the county and I hope people will take the opportunity to read it over the coming months and suggest changes where they feel they need to be made.”

The Draft Tree Strategy document has been prepared in the context of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024, Biodiversity Action Plan and Open Space Strategy.

To view the Draft Strategy and to have your say on its contents please visit our on-line consultation portal

Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal