Marathonkids Ireland ambassador David Gillick visits schools in Dublin 15

On Wednesday 18th October, we had the pleasure of having Marathonkids Ireland ambassador and former Irish Olympian, David Gillick, visit Hansfield ETNS and St Francis Xavier’s SNS.

Marathonkids 2023 DG D15

On Wednesday 18th October, we had the pleasure of having Marathonkids Ireland ambassador and former Irish Olympian, David Gillick, visit Hansfield ETNS and St Francis Xavier’s SNS. David gave a wonderful insight into his career as a professional athlete and the importance of physical activity. He spoke about the physical, mental and social benefits of the Marathonkids programme, as well as the value he places on nutrition and rest for performance.

This year there are 3,600 students from 33 primary schools across Fingal participating in the ever-growing Marathonkids programme.

AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive Fingal County Council said “As a Local Authority we are very proud to be part of this wonderful programme. Since the programme launched in 2015, we have been a key stakeholder in delivering this mass participation programme to the children of Fingal.”

The 8-week programme for 5th & 6th class students includes daily runs, physical & mental health education, nutrition and exercise. Each student will record daily updates in their physical or digital workbooks. The topics tie in to the Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE) module of the student’s curriculum.




Marathon kids DG Hansfield ETNS 2023

Síobhan Bedford, teacher in Hansfield ETNS said “'The Marthonkids programme is a hugely beneficial programme that our 5th classes really enjoy completing each year. As well as learning about the physical and mental benefits of exercise each week, the student's own confidence in their fitness and ability to run noticeably improves each week. The classes love getting out to do their run each day and they will really miss it once the 8 weeks is over!”

Tomás O’Seaghdha, teacher in St Francis Xavier said "David Gillick was excellent with the children. Although they had been taking part in the Marathonkids programme over the past number of weeks, his experience brought running into a new light for the children. Thanks to Noel and Fingal County Council Sports Office for organising a great programme to enhance children’s experience in sport."

Marathon Kids DG St Francis Xavier SNS 2023
Marathon kids D Gillick D15 2023