Mourne Estate, Skerries Celebrates 50 Years of Community

On Saturday, July 20, the residents of Mourne Estate unveiled a new stone wall featuring the well-known "Mourne View" name, carved into a naming stone overlooking the Skerries coastline at the front of the estate. This event is part of the Mourne 50 project, celebrating 50 years of the community.

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Cllr. Rob O’Donoghue, Acting Mayor of Fingal, officially cut the ribbon in the presence of many Mourne Estate residents, local councillors and political representatives including Minister Joe O’Brien and Senator Lorraine Clifford Lee as well as members of the wider Skerries community. Speaking at the event, Cllr. O’Donoghue praised the collaborative efforts of the residents and the Fingal County Council Operations Department, who carried out the construction work.

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“I would like to commend the Mourne Estate Residents on their work and continuing landscaping achievements to make the estate look its best during its 50th year. The Mourne Estate Residents Association, led by chairperson Colm Treacy, will continue their work with Fingal County Operations Department, improving the estate, and I look forward to seeing their collaboration with Sustainable Skerries, who are representing Fingal County Council in the Bio-Diversity Category of the Pride of Place Awards in September,” said Cllr. O’Donoghue.

Mourne 50 celebrates 50 years as an estate in Skerries. The Fingal Community Development Office set up the Mourne Estate Development Working Group to plan the celebrations and engage with the community on Mourne 50. So far, the group has conducted a colouring competition with local school Realt Na Mara to find a Mourne 50 logo and hosted a Street Feast event in Mourne Grove in May. Saturday’s unveiling also marked the start of a Family Activities day, featuring the annual Mourne Celtic FC memorial 5-a-side soccer tournament.

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Naomi Weir, Senior Executive Officer for Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office, remarked, “The work of the Mourne Estate Development Working Group has made events like today’s unveiling possible as the community comes together to recognise 50 years of community in Mourne Estate. I commend the working group members, including Mourne Estate Residents Association, Scoil Realt Na Mara, Mourne Celtic FC, and Foróige, supported by Local Councillors and Cormac McDonagh, Community Officer, Fingal County Council, on their combined efforts and vision now and into the future.”

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Mourne 50 events will continue throughout 2024, including a talk on the history of the estate by local resident Martin Russell, hosted by Skerries Historical Society, and a photographic exhibition to close the 50th year.

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All photographs taken by Ian Byrne