New councillor co-opted to Fingal County Council
Angela Donnelly of Sinn Féin has been co-opted by the members of Fingal County Council to replace Cllr Aaron O’Rourke who resigned as a councillor due to time pressure. She will represent the Ongar Local Electoral Area.

Angela Donnelly of Sinn Féin has been co-opted by the members of Fingal County Council to replace Cllr Aaron O’Rourke who resigned as a councillor due to time pressure. She will represent the Ongar Local Electoral Area.
Cllr Donnelly was proposed by Cllr Ann Graves and seconded by Cllr Breda Hanaphy at the March monthly meeting of the Council.
The new councillor was welcomed to the Council by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh.
Cllr Donnelly thanked Aaron O’Rourke for his service to Fingal County Council since he was co-opted two years ago and added: “It is amazing to be part of a team on Fingal County Council that has four female councillors. To have an all-woman team is very special.”
Cllr Donnelly was also appointed to the Transport and Infrastructure Management Strategic Policy Committee, the Joint Fingal and South Dublin Liffey Management Advisory Committee and the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone Steering Group.