New five-year plan for libraries launched

Libraries are one of our most valued and well used community resources, that enriches our lives in so many ways

Libraries like the one one in Rush are widely used resources

New five-year plan for libraries launch video

As it looks to meet the needs of our growing and diverse population, Fingal County Council has today launched a new plan which sets out a clear vision for the strategic direction of library services in the County over the next five years.

Joining Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Adrian Henchy at Malahide Library, were Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD; Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly; and County Librarian Betty Boardman.

Launching the plan, Mayor Henchy said: “I’m delighted to launch the new Fingal Library Service Development Plan. Fingal Libraries provide multi-purpose social and educational hubs for all members of our community to enjoy. This plan will ensure libraries continue to evolve, anticipating new developments in society and technology over the coming years, including raising awareness of sustainability and climate action.”

A new 5 year plan for Fingal Libraries was launched in Malahide

The Fingal Library Service Development Plan (2024-2029) is based on four themes: Space and Place; Engagement and Collaboration; Access and Inclusion; and Culture and Knowledge. These themes are underpinned by actions which will improve library services in Fingal and in turn lead to enhancements in people’s lives through engagement with literature, knowledge, culture, creativity, and technology.

Minister Darragh O’Brien said: “Libraries are at the heart of our communities, providing fantastic free services to everyone in Fingal. I believe this plan will enhance our public library service over the next five years, supporting culture, recreation, literacy, education, and lifelong learning for all.”

Key actions contained in the plan include:

  • Deliver the new County Library in the Swords Cultural Quarter.
  • Open the newly refurbished and extended Skerries Library.
  • Provide greater access with longer opening hours through the provision of ‘My Open Library’.
  • Deliver through the Creative Ireland programme, a diverse range of community led and inclusive, creative, and cultural events.
  • Provide high quality informal educational and life-long learning programming across all ages and socio-economic groups.
  • Enhance book collections, both physical and electronic, with increased book fund spend.
VR sets give a great interactive experience for users of Fingal libraries

AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, said: “Over the lifetime of the new plan, Fingal Libraries will build on the progress achieved in delivering accessible services that contribute to the development of sustainable, inclusive, and empowered communities in Fingal. I would like to commend the work of library staff who provide this frontline service and are committed to serving their community.”

The Fingal Library Service Development Plan was drafted following an extensive consultation process. A total of 1,139 responses to the survey were received from library users, schools, groups, and organizations, reflecting high satisfaction with libraries in Fingal.

County Librarian, Betty Boardman, said: “The public consultation process was a key part in the development of the plan. We want to thank all those who responded to the survey and took part in a series of consultation meetings. Looking ahead, we will continue to innovate and collaborate with local, national and community groups, to provide inclusive, diverse, and relevant services and programming”.

Libraries like the one one in Rush are widely used resources

Fingal currently operates 10 library branches, a mobile library and housebound service, as well as a Local Studies and Archives service.

To view the plan, go to: New five-year Fingal Library Plan