Official Opening of Knight's Playground and Multi Use Games Area at Glebe Park Balrothery

Knight's Playground and Multi Use Games Area at Glebe Park Balrothery 3

Fingal County Council is delighted to announce the official opening of the Knight's Playground and Multi Use Games Area at Glebe Park Balrothery, by Mayor of Fingal Councillor Anthony Lavin on Friday March 29.  Also in attendance were Paul Reid, Chief Executive, Fingal County Council, local Councillors Dep Mayor Gráinne Maguire, Cllr Anthony Murphy and Cllr Malachy Quinn as well as members of the Balrothery Community Council and, enthusiastic new users,  the children from Balrothery National School.

The playground, constructed by Creative Play Solutions, has been designed as a destination facility for families with a strong emphasis on natural play opportunities. A key element of the project brief was that the design of playground reflected the rich local heritage of the area.  The striking, central knight themed sculpture draws on the tradition that Balrothery derives its name from Baile na Ridire 'Town of the Knight'. Meanwhile the multi-use games arena has been designed as a modern fit for purpose facility to cater for 5-side football, basketball and general training activity.

Knight's Playground and Multi Use Games Area at Glebe Park Balrothery

Positive community engagement has been a hallmark of the project. Before tendering for the project, the Council’s Parks & Green Infrastructure Division undertook extensive consultation with stakeholders to determine their requirements.  

Senior Parks Superintendent Kevin Halpenny said: “The facilities are a key element of the wider objective to develop Glebe Park, Balrothery as a recreational hub. The Recreational Hub concept has been developed to encourage multi-use and sustainable community sporting facilities to cater for growing demand within the county.”

Knight's Playground and Multi Use Games Area at Glebe Park Balrothery

Praising the facility Mayor of Fingal Cllr Anthony Lavin said “I can see Glebe Park and this wonderfully designed playground and Games area becoming a focal point for the Balrothery community young and old.”

Paul Reid, Chief Executive Fingal County Council continued  ”I would like to praise the work of our Parks & Green Infrastructure Division in developing this fantastic facility. This latest addition is another example of Fingal County Council’s dedication to providing high quality Playgrounds and sporting facilities in the County’s parks and open spaces.”

Kevin Tolan Chairperson of Balrothery Community Association stated “We were delighted to work with, and say a heartfelt thanks to Fingal County Council, Department of Rural & Community Development, our Local Councillors and Creative Play as well as our own members, for collectively delivering the Knights Playground and MUGA which will make a positive difference to the Balrothery Community for many years to come.”