One to One Mentoring Programme for Visual Artists in Fingal

Fingal County Council Arts Office is pleased to present a visual art mentoring programme.

Expressions of interest are sought from visual artists living and working in Fingal for free individual mentoring sessions with Eamonn Maxwell, Curator, Mentor and Advisor. These sessions are for early, mid or late-career artists interested in professional career development and will cover a range of topics from selling your work, promoting your work online, approaching galleries to improve networking.

Artists will benefit from three mentoring sessions which will be delivered via Zoom between February and November. The frequency of the sessions will be agreed with the mentor at the initial session and a specific mentoring plan implemented.

Closing date for expressions of interest is Monday 15th February 2021 and places are limited to 20 visual artists. Please submit your expression of interest, including your website or Instagram address to [email protected] .

Artists are asked to outline, in three bullet points, what help, support or advice they would like to get from the mentoring sessions or what areas they would like to improve.

The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. David Healy commented: ‘With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic it has been difficult for artists to progress in their careers as venues have been closed on and off for nearly over a year now. Programmes such as this one will help to provide the support and advice that artists need right now. I would encourage everyone who can to apply for this programme as it will be of great benefit to them and will help them along the way in their careers.’

Eamonn Maxwell has worked as a curator and advisor in the visual arts for over 20 years. He has curated numerous exhibitions across the world including the Irish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2011. He is a visual art collections adviser to the Arts Council of Ireland, Goldsmiths College, London and private collectors. He has been a passionate advocate for emerging artists, establishing the Emerging Artists Programme during his tenure as University Curator, University of the Arts London and he continues to mentor artists.

The programme responds to the mission of the Fingal County Council Arts Plan 2019 – 2025 enabling the creative and professional development of artists and resonates with the KEEP WELL campaign’s objective to stay connected with people and communities during Covid-19.

Speaking about the One to One Mentoring Programme, Director of Economic Enterprise, Tourism and Cultural Development Emer O’Gorman said: ‘I am delighted that Fingal County Council is in a position to provide this mentoring opportunity which assists artists to develop their professional careers. We, in Fingal County Council, are committed to supporting artists and I am confident they will benefit from the advice, guidance and expertise provided through this programme.’

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