Part 8 Proposed development of 6 no. single-storey dwellings at Garristown,
Proposed development of 6 no. single-storey dwellings at Garristown. Submissions or observations can be made from Monday 19th December 2022 and must be received before 11:59 pm on Friday 10th February 2023.

Proposed development of 6 no. single-storey dwellings at Garristown, Co. Dublin
In accordance with Part XI of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001(as amended), Fingal County Council hereby gives notice of the proposed works to be carried out at the above site including:
The proposed development consists of 6 no. single-storey, detached and semi-detached dwellings composed of 3 no. 2-beds and 3 no. 1-beds, and associated site and landscaping works. The site is located at Garristown, Co. Dublin, off the R130, approximately 50m from Chapel Lane to the west and 250m from Garristown village centre. Proposed site works consist of 4 no. car parking spaces (2 no. accessible) plus 1 no. temporary set-down parking space with an electric vehicle charge point. A new vehicle entrance is proposed off the R130. Other associated site works include a landscaped communal green, with raised planters, and an external seating area. Site clearance works include the removal of the foundations of a former agricultural building.
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Submissions or observations can be made from Monday 19th December 2022 and must be received before 11:59 pm on Friday 10th February 2023.
For full details and to make a submission see:…