Registration is now open for Culture Night 2016
Culture Night 2016
Culture Night is taking place this Friday 16th September 2016 from 5.00pm – 11.00pm. Culture Night is a public event that celebrates all that can be said to be part of our ‘culture’ which includes: arts, archives, sport, gardening, libraries and community activities. Fingal County Council is delighted to celebrate this year’s Culture Night and is hoping to encourage people to visit cultural venues and experience culture in their locality on the night.
For one night only, arts and cultural organisations and venues will extend their opening hours with free events, tours, talks and performances for you, your family and friends to explore and enjoy. So join us and get involved - Culture Night Revolves Around You.
For a list of this year’s events taking place in Fingal please see the attached schedule or click here to view all events on the national Culture Night website. Culture Night brochures are also available to download here.
All events on the night are FREE of charge to the public.
For any further information please contact:
Erin Lynch
erin.l%79%[email protected]
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[email protected]
P: (01) 890 5733