‘Snapshots of Fingal’s Past’ captures Fingal’s heritage and history

Fingal County Council has partnered with the Fingal Heritage Network to produce ‘Snapshots of Fingal’s Past’, a publication including photographs that capture Fingal’s past and the stories that lie behind them.

Members of the heritage groups and historical societies who make up the Fingal Heritage Network along with interested members of the public from across the county have contributed to the project.

The Snapshots project was initiated by a virtual exhibition and series of videos for National Heritage Week. The positive reception saw the project win the County Award in the 2020 National Heritage Week Awards.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr. David Healy said: “I am delighted to launch this publication that encapsulates the variety of Fingal’s past with stories from the Blanchardstown Brass Band to reminiscences of the Howth 17s’.”

Chief Executive of Fingal AnnMarie Farrelly said: “’Snapshots of Fingal’s Past’ is dedicated to three members of Fingal’s Heritage Network who have passed away during the course of the project and is a fitting tribute to those who have contributed so much to recording Fingal’s heritage.”

Christine Baker, Fingal Heritage Officer said: “As good as the digital world is for connecting people we felt there is nothing quite like having something in your hand. This publication contains photographs and memories from all across Fingal that capture our past.”

Copies of this free booklet are available from the Fingal Heritage Office.