Sod turn marks initiation of Active Travel Project in Balheary

Newtown Bridge

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Brian McDonagh accompanied David Storey, Director of Environment, Climate Action, Active Travel and Sport and Chief Executive, AnnMarie Farrelly to celebrate a sod turning event for Newtown Bridge, Balheary Road, Swords, Walking and Cycling Improvements Project.

The Project will see the introduction of new traffic signals and traffic calming on the approach to Newtown Bridge. The upgrade features include the introduction of a shuttle system for vehicular traffic as well as a widened footpath and cycle lane as a shared space for vulnerable road users to cross over Newtown Bridge safely. 

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Brian McDonagh said ‘’ I’m delighted to see this project underway. These improvements will make the journey to the park and to local sports facilities safer and more enjoyable, particularly for children travelling on foot or by bike''.

Newtown Bridge

David Storey, Director of Environment, Climate Action, Active Travel and Sport stated ’’Investing in better walking and cycling infrastructure is key. When Active Travel is made convenient and easy, people are more likely to prioritise it and incorporate it into their daily routines’’.

Other elements of the works include a controlled crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists crossing from the Broadmeadow Linear Park to the Reservoir lands at Swords Celtic. There will also be traffic calming measures on the approaches from the north and the south of the bridge as well as new public lighting and reduced speed limits.

Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly said’’ This project represents a key part of our strategic commitment to improving safety and sustainability. This infrastructure will serve Balheary for years to come and we look forward to the completion of this project’’.

Newtown Bridge

Eugene Murphy, Contracts Manager at Jons Civil Engineering Co. Ltd stated ''Jons Civil Engineering Co. Ltd are delighted to be awarded the contract for Balheary Road Active travel Scheme by Fingal County Council. The key objective of this project is to increase connectivity within the community by promoting active and sustainable travel while enhancing overall road safety for all users. When complete, these works will introduce high-quality walking and cycling facilities and eliminate barriers to movement to enhancing accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, and individuals with mobility challenges. Works will deliver a signalised pedestrian crossing, ramped access into linear parks and a new signalised one-way traffic shuttle.”

These works are in line with Fingal's vision for active and sustainable travel that contributes to safer routes to school, supports better mental and physical health and protects our climate by reducing carbon emissions.

For more information on Active Travel in Fingal, please visit

Newtown Bridge