Sports First Aid Workshops delivered by Fingal Sports Office

The Fingal Sports Office delivered four ‘Sports First Aid Workshops’ in Holywell Community Centre, Malahide LTCC, Corduff Sports Centre and Castleland Community Centre Balbriggan over the month of June.

Sports First Aid Holywell

The Fingal Sports Office delivered four ‘Sports First Aid Workshops’ in Holywell Community Centre, Malahide LTCC, Corduff Sports Centre and Castleland Community Centre Balbriggan over the month of June.

The short practical workshops delivered by tutor Brian Pentony gave over 80 participants from 25 different sports clubs across Fingal knowledge and skills to assess & follow correct procedure in different scenarios. This included treatment for cardiac arrest, heart attacks, head injuries, concussions, bleeding, sprains and other sports related injuries. One participant commented how they found the course “very informative and practical and the AED demonstration was particularly helpful”

Participants received an Attendance Certificate and an opportunity for further training with an Accredited CPR AED course scheduled for September.

Principal Sports Officer Gerard Reardon concluded “The diversity of clubs in attendance at this month’s Sports First Aid workshops will be an invaluable source of First Aid knowledge in Fingal communities”.

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