Taoiseach tours new large scale housing development underway in Fingal

Pictured during the Housing Briefing at Church Fields in Dublin 15 on November 1, 2022 were (from left): Paul Donnelly TD, Minister Roderic O'Gorman, Minister Jack Chambers, An Taoiseach Michéal Martin, AnnMarie Farrelyy, Chief Executive, Fingal County Council; Cllr Howard Mahony, Mayor of Fingal;  Robert Burns Director of Housing and Community Development, Fingal County Council; Minister Darragh O'Brien.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin visit

Taoiseach tours new large scale housing development underway in Fingal

Housing construction underway in one of the country’s fastest growing regions was in the spotlight today, as the Taoiseach Micheál Martin visited Fingal to see new homes being built at one of Fingal County Council’s flagship developments in Dublin 15.

Located in Mulhuddart, Church Fields is one of the largest developments that Fingal is currently taking forward. Whilst around 100 social homes are now nearing completion, once the development is fully completed it will provide around 1,000 new properties on a 37-hectare site.

Homes on offer will consist of one- and two-bedroom apartments, along with three- and four-bedroom houses. Properties will be available as a mix of affordable purchase, cost rental and social housing. Retail and community amenities will also be incorporated at the development.  The overall development is focused on creating and fostering sustainable communities.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony said: “Fingal is committed to investing in housing that helps create more inclusive and vibrant communities across the County. At Church Fields we have a wonderful example of what can be done to meet the growing need for more affordable homes. Its proximity to key infrastructure and local amenities makes it an attractive location for potential tenants.

Viewing the development, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said: “The delivery of social housing to meet the current and future needs of all our citizens continues to be a challenge in the current climate. That is why I am delighted to be able to see an exciting scheme like this moving ahead at pace, particularly as it helping to provide homes in one of the country’s fastest growing population areas and the fact that these new homes will help minimise energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions.”

Fingal has a good record in the delivery of social homes to those on its housing list and aims to deliver around 3,300 new build social homes before 2026, as well as a further 1,000 affordable purchase and cost rental homes over that same period. The Church Fields development is just one the Council’s ambitious construction programmes currently in place, with others including those at Cappagh in Dublin 11, Hayestown in Rush, Ballymastone in Donabate and Hacketstown in Skerries.

All the homes will be well insulated and heated with low carbon air source heat pumps, making the properties highly energy efficient and helping reduce heating costs for residents. Some homes at Church Fields are also adapted dwellings that will meet the needs of applicants with differing medical priorities - not just related to age but also those who have a sensory, intellectual, physical or mental health disability.

AnnMarie Farrelly, Fingal’s Chief Executive, commented: “We have good track record on building new housing in Fingal. Since 2015 we have been able to deliver over 9,200 social and affordable homes for residents. Together with our partners, we are committed to bringing a further 4,300 high-quality homes with a range of amenities and green spaces online over the next four years.”

Alongside the new housing development, work is also be carried out on the construction of the Church Fields Link Road and Cycle Network, a project which includes Ireland’s first Dutch-style roundabout. This is expected to be completed in 2023.

The Taoiseach was joined in Mulhuddart by Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony, Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien TD, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman TD, Minister for Gaeltacht Affairs and Sport Jack Chambers TD, as well as Fingal councillors and Oireachtas members who represent Dublin West.

Following the Church Fields visit, the Taoiseach went on to officially open the nearby Ladyswell social housing scheme. Developed by Clúid Housing and built on Fingal land in the heart of Mulhuddart, Ladyswell consists of 65 properties, a third of which are dedicated age-friendly homes.

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Howard Mahony, Taoiseach Michéal Martin and Fingal County Council Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly pictured during a visit to the Council's Housing Development at Church Fields, Dublin 15.
Taoiseach Churchfield Councillors