Outdoor Dining Scheme

The Outdoor Dining Enhancement Investment Scheme, launched by Failte Ireland in partnership with Local Authorities will work to facilitate greater capacity in outdoor dining by supporting hospitality businesses with upgrading and enhancing streets and public spaces and implementing weather-proofing solutions which will facilitate year-round outdoor dining.
This investment scheme will be delivered under the Fáilte Ireland ‘Opening the Outdoors’ strategic pillar which aims to capitalise our outdoor assets and re-imagine our urban spaces.
Grants of up to €4,000 are available under the Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Business strand of the Scheme to facilitate greater capacity in outdoor dining by supporting hospitality businesses with upgrading and enhancing streets and public spaces and implementing weather-proofing solutions to facilitate year-round outdoor dining.
Individual tourism and hospitality businesses where food is sold for consumption on the premises including hotels, attractions, cafes, restaurants and pubs are invited to apply for funding.
Costs for outdoor tables, chairs, umbrellas, electric heaters, screens, wind breaks, plant stands and wooden platforms will be covered under the Scheme. Expenditure must be incurred between April 1 2020 and September 30 2021.
Businesses that intend to use the Outdoor Dining Grant to place furniture in the public realm are required to make an application for a Street Furniture Licence and should email [email protected] with details of your plans and a consultation will be arranged.
All applications will be individually assessed under public health, fire safety and public circulation criteria and terms and conditions will be advised There is currently no fee for Street Furniture Licences under COVID-19 measures to support businesses.
Download Outdoor Dining Scheme Poster here
Download Outdoor Dining and urban animation - Best Practice here