Photography Tutorials Blog

Welcome to a series of photography tutorials by Barry from Fingal Libraries.



Tutorial Number 14 Introduction to Light


blog 12

Tutorial no 12 Drive Modes


Tutorial No 11 Hyperfocal Distance

focus modes

Tutorial No 10 - Focus modes

Focal Length

Tutorial no 9 - Focal Length

no 8

Tutorial No7 : Metering Modes

Aperture priority, Shutter priority & manual modes
Photography blog

Tutorial no 5 What is ISO

In this one, we are going to look at the third element of the exposure triangle: ISO. We will learn how the ISO setting works and how it affects your photograph.

Photography turtorial

Tutorial No 4 How do aperture and shutter speed relate

In this tutorial we’re going to have a look at the relationship between aperture and shutter speed and how changing one affects the other.


Tutorial No 3  What is shutter speed

In the last tutorial we learnt that aperture referred to the opening in the camera lens that allows light to enter the camera and onto the digital sensor or film. The shutter speed refers to the amount of the time the aperture actually remains open to let the light in. Shutter speed can also be referred to as “exposure time”.


Dublin Docklands Blog

Tutorial No 2 What is Aperture

This tutorial explains what is meant by "aperture" . The aperture is the opening in the lens that allows light to enter the camera and  on to the sensor or film.

Photography blog

Tutorial No1 What is Exposure

This tutorial explains what is meant by "photographic exposure" and how to measure it with a histogram. We also explore common exposure problems.