Project Talamh - Ballymastone

The Council owns about 32 hectares of residentially zoned land in Ballymastone, Donabate.
The red-line boundary in the above map indicates the residentially zoned lands and excludes the Education and Recreation Hub, including the playing pitches currently in use by local GAA and soccer clubs, which are adjacent to the proposed development site.
The new Donabate Distributor Road runs through the middle of this land and is indicated by the blue line in the above map.
Funding for the road was secured under the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) in 2016.
The aim of LIHAF is to fund the provision of essential infrastructure to enable residentially zoned lands to be developed.
This road is currently under construction and is expected to be completed before the end of 2019.
The Ballymastone lands are identified for residential housing development in the Donabate LAP and the Council is advancing the LAP’s objective to develop these lands.
Following the procurement process the successful tenderer will proceed to seek planning permission through the Strategic Housing Development legislation, which is lodged directly with An Bord Pleanala, who makes the decision on the grant or refusal of permission.
The public can lodge observations or objections to the application to An Bord Pleanala for consideration during this statutory planning process.
Ballymastone – Vision for the Lands
The Council’s vision for the development of these lands is to deliver a successful and sustainable community through:
- provision of high quality and attractive residential development with a focus on best practice urban design and layout
- provision of accessible community, open space and recreational facilities.
- provision of an appropriate mix of house sizes, types and tenure to meet a range of household needs and to promote balanced communities.
Planning & Development in Donabate
The Donabate Local Area Plan (LAP) 2016 - 2022 was adopted by Elected Representatives of Fingal County Council in March 2016.
This Local Area Plan is the result of extensive public consultation.
Development in Donabate is set against the policies and objectives of this LAP and the Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023, which also went through a wide-ranging public consultation process before being adopted in March 2017 by the Council’s Elected Representatives.
Both of these documents are available on our website here:
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023
Donabate Local Area Plan:
New housing in Donabate will be assessed in accordance with the requirements of the LAP and Development Plan.
Current Update on Project

The procurement process consists of three stages: Pre-Qualification, Dialogue and Tender.
Stage 1 of the Procurement Process has been completed.
The Council is now in Stage 2 and has entered into Dialogue with the participating Economic Operators on their proposals on how best to develop the lands.
Stage 3 of the procurement will require the Economic Operators to submit tenders on their solutions.
Information on the progress of the project will be communicated to Councillors and to the Donabate Liaison Committee. This webpage will also be updated with any new information on the progress of the project.
Contact Details
Any queries on the project may be directed to:
Matthew McAleese, Senior Planner, Planning Department | [email protected] |
Aoife Sheridan, Senior Executive Officer, Project Talamh | [email protected] |
Project Talamh Programme Office | [email protected] |