Rental Accommodation Scheme - Information For Landlords

 Do you have a property in the Fingal area? We are looking for good quality furnished properties for our Rental Accommodation Scheme.

There are two types of contract available under our Fingal Rental Accommodation Scheme, Vacant contracts and In Situ Contracts.

Vacant Contracts

(Available to property owners with vacant properties only)

Vacant contracts are offered for 6 or 10 years, with competitive rental income guaranteed for the duration of the contract. Both 6 and 10 years contracts are subject to rent reviews every 2 years. Fingal County Council has sole nomination rights on all vacant contracts. 

Vacant properties are accepted for the scheme subject to terms and conditions, including:

  • Potential Landlords remain tax compliant for the duration of the term.
  • Inspection of the property to ensure compliance with the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2008 (amended 2009).
  • Rent is paid by the local authority directly to the landlord, monthly and in advance.

In Situ Contracts

(Available to landlords with eligible in situ tenants)

In Situ contracts are available for 6 years with competitive rental income guaranteed as long as the in situ tenant remains in the property. If in situ tenant vacates property within contract term the contract expires and vacant possession is given to the landlord.

In Situ tenancies are accepted for the scheme subject to terms & conditions, including:

  • Housing needs of the in situ tenants.
  • Tenants should be in receipt of rent allowance for 18 months or more.
  • Tenants must be approved on the Fingal County Council Housing List.
  • Landlord remaining tax compliant for the duration of the term.
  • Rent is paid by the local authority directly to the landlord, monthly and in advance. 
  • Tenants pay differential rent (12% of their income) to the local authority.
  • The landlord/tenant relationship remains in place.

Our Rental Accommodation Scheme Frequently Asked Questions for Landlords document gives further information on the scheme, and, if you have any questions please contact us, details are at the end of this page. 


Rental Accommodation Scheme Frequently Asked Questions for Landlords


Rental Accommodation Scheme Application Form For Landlords

Contact Us

By email:  [email protected]

By Telephone: (01) 8708425