Royal Canal Greenway
A non-statutory public engagement for the Royal Canal Urban Greenway took place in early 2019 with the intention of publicising the Emerging Preferred Route to local residents and stakeholders and receiving information to inform the design, including from people with detailed local knowledge of the area, in order to highlight potential issues and inform and support the ongoing decision-making process in arriving at the final Preferred Route.
Fingal County Council received over 600 informative and helpful submissions during the public engagement.
The Preferred Route will now be finalised over the coming months.
The design team will consider the submissions received and assess how to best address the various issues raised, and this process will include discussions with other stakeholders, including landowners, the National Transport Authority, Waterways Ireland and Irish Rail.
Once the Preferred Route is selected Fingal County Council will finalise and publish the various supporting documents, including the finalised Route Options Report, with a view to progressing onwards to submission of a planning application.
Once the final Preferred Route is available, it will also be possible at that stage to complete the formal environmental screening process. If significant environmental impacts are likely, a full Environmental Impact Assessment will be prepared for submission to An Bord Pleanala.
If the screening determines that the environmental impacts are not likely to be significant, the project will progress via the Part 8 process.
As the final scheme layout has not been definitively identified at this time, it is not possible to say yet which planning process will be required, however either way, the scheme will be placed on public display for consultation as part of either process on a statutory basis, at which stage further submissions will be possible.