
Skillnet Ireland supports businesses in training and skills provision. It supports over 18,000 businesses around the country.
Skillnet Ireland and its 70 Skillnet Business Networks help businesses develop their ability to address key business challenges including climate change, technological developments, digitisation and so on.
The Skillnet Business Network is a collection of private-sector companies that collaborate to address the business needs within their sector or region through talent development. Skillnet Business Networks are based in all regions around Ireland and most sectors, including ICT, retail, agri-food, medtech, technology, manufacturing, design, engineering, financial services, leisure, animation, private healthcare, media, aviation and construction.
All private sector businesses of any size, including sole traders based in the Republic of Ireland are eligible to access part-funded training with Skillnet Ireland. There are also specific criteria for applicants depending on the programme.
Each Skillnet Business Network has its own website with information on specific training programmes and supports that the network offers.