Space Invaders - Early Years Arts Festival

Space Invaders - Early Years Arts Festival

Space Invaders - Early Years Arts Festival

Space Invaders is a unique early childhood arts festival for children, families and Early Childhood Educators.  On July 12th 2014 the beautiful grounds of Farmleigh Estate hosted the day’s activities and this film captures the magical events. 

Space Invaders is a partnership between Fingal Arts Office and Cliodhna Noonan of Acting Up Arts!  It was conceived with the purpose of providing artists, children and educators with the time and resources to come together and embark on an important journey of discovery.  The 2014 festival explored the spaces we inhabit and the infinite possibilities presented by our natural and built environment for creative play.  It took a fresh look at the potential of small spaces, be it at home, or in crèche settings, and their capacity to facilitate magical moments with the youngest members of our family and our community.

Families were enchanted by international performances and workshops scheduled in a variety of idyllic locations in Farmleigh. 
Early Childhood Educators were invited to attend experiential workshops designed specifically with their professional needs in mind.  Experienced Artists specialising in the area of Continued Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators designed and delivered the workshops. The opportunity to meet and talk with professionals in the field of early childhood arts and education was a key feature of the programme.  Educators were welcome to attend the scheduled performances as part of their festival package.