Summer Stars 2020 kicks off at Fingal Libraries

Summer Stars 2020

The Summer Stars reading challenge begins this week and it’s a little bit different this year!

Since you’re spending more time at home, there have been extra items added to our online Borrowbox service which will enable even more multiple copies of selected children’s books to be read at the one time. The Summer Stars Collection on Borrowbox is clearly divided into age groups and has a number of titles to encourage children to keep up their reading throughout the summertime. Follow this link to browse the new, improved collection:

Summer stars

As well as this, we are currently providing a Call and Collect Service which means that children can ring and request books from our library, based on topic or author, and can pick them up in a safe manner at allotted times from the front of our branch. Books are quarantined for 72 hours after they have been returned from a previous borrower and are then put back into circulation, as are the official LGMA Guidelines.

Libraries Ireland are running a Short Story competition, details of which can be accessed here:

They also have many other resources including printable activities and colouring pages for you to download:

Here at Fingal Libraries we’ll be providing content such as Storytimes, Quizzes and Competitions online on our Social Media Channels throughout as well. So keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram pages!

We want to hear from you too! Send in your junior book reviews or short stories so that we can showcase them on our Social Media pages. They can be written or, if you prefer, you can record your own video reviews and stories! There’ll be prizes too so if you have children that are interested in getting involved, please ask them to send content to [email protected], or contact us through social media.

Let the summer reading challenge begin!!