Swords Cultural Quarter Masterplan

Swords Cultural Quarter Masterplan

Swords Cultural Quarter 3

ERDF Funding

The development of Swords Castle Cultural & Civic Quarter is co-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) and Fingal County Council.

Swords Castle Conservation Plan

In 2014 the Conservation Plan for Swords Castle was published. This identifies actions to take the castle onwards into the future ensuring its conservation and allowing it to be enjoyed by everyone.  Some of the projects that have been undertaken so far are as follows:

  • The stabilisation of the gatehouse
  • A safety audit and works were carried out to allow the public to safely access the castle for St. Patricks Day this year.
  • New interpretation panels have been designed for the castle and incorporate some of the content from the Conservation Plan.
  • Surveys were carried out as part of their work. These surveys identified some sub surface anomalies in the central area that are worthy of excavation. It is planned that whatever excavation work takes place there will be public interaction with the process.
  • A design team has been procured in order to start design work associated with the reconstruction of the vault over the main entrance.
  • A programme of ivy removal has just started

Swords Cultural Quarter Masterplan

Fingal County Council has commissioned a project to create a Swords Cultural Quarter Masterplan  for the area around the castle, to be known as Swords Cultural Quarter.

Some of projects are as follows:

  • New major central public and civic space outside Swords Castle
  • A new Library/Civic Centre building to sit alongside County Hall
  • New landscape interventions in the park and the town
  • Creation of a Hub or Cultural quarter on North Street/Main street

Consultation Process

As part of the consultation process for the Civic and Cultural Centre the public were invited to respond to an online survey on the proposal over a 6 week period, from the 31st August to the 5th October 2015.

The survey was created in English and Irish, using the Council’s new Online Consultation Portal. The Arts Office sent a mailshot to over 2,000 individuals and groups, library users received the link by email and the Council’s Twitter account and Facebook page were used to advertise the Survey. Advertisements inviting people to respond were placed in the Fingal Independent and North County Leader. Posters and leaflets advertising the Survey were distributed to the Council’s public buildings, including libraries, arts and community centres. YOu can see the results of the survey below.


Results of the Swords Civic and Cultural Centre Survey

Swords Cultural Quarter Masterplan