
11 Oct 2019
Age Friendly

Launch of the ACORN Pilot Project findings

Fingal County Council along with two other local authorities and Age Friendly Ireland piloted the ACORN tablet with members of Older People’s Councils. Minister Ring officially launched the findings from the ACORN Pilot Project last week.

10 Oct 2019
Greener Communities

Photo Special: Fingal's Greener Communities Awards 2019

On Thursday 3rd October 2019 the Fingal Greener Communities Awards were held in County Hall, Swords.  This important competition has over the years enhanced Fingal County Council’s relationship with residents, community groups and individuals of the county.

10 Oct 2019
skate parks

New Skate Parks in Balbriggan and Skerries Officially Open

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Eoghan O’Brien, and Interim Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, were on hand to officially open two brand-new Skate Parks in Skerries and Balbriggan last Friday, 05th October.

07 Oct 2019
Environmental Awareness

Fingal's Greener Communities Awards 2019

The annual award night for the  Fingal Greener Communities Awards, which encouraged communitities to play an increasing role in our environmental response to climate change and environmental improvements, has been held.

31 Oct 2019
Safer Halloween

Fingal Festival of Fire 2019

The 2019 Fingal Festival of Fire is fast approaching with spooktacular events planned for Blanchardstown, Balbriggan and Swords on Thursday, Oct 31 as part of the Safer Halloween initiative.

07 Oct 2019
Code Week

Crack the Code with Fingal Libraries!

Fingal Libraries are delighted to announce their involvement in EU Code Week, unveiling a schedule of events across the county for all ages and abilities.

03 Oct 2019

Funding for Community Enhancement in Fingal

Fingal County Council has been allocated funds of €150,521.00 under the 2019 Community Enhancement Programme and an additional €13,089.00 for Men and Women’s sheds