
17 Jan 2022

Holywell Welcomes Fingal’s Operation Transformation Walk

Operation Transformation Leader and Swords resident Katie Jones along with the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, joined enthusiastic walkers on Sunday January 16th in Holywell Park to complete a 3k walk organised by Fingal County Council Sport Office in conjunction with Operation Transformation.

20 Apr 2021
Music Generation

Music Generation is coming to Fingal

It’s an exciting time to be young in Fingal! The Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board has partnered with Fingal County Council and Music Generation to improve music education opportunities available to children and young people in the county.  

12 Apr 2021
Virtual Community Centre

Run, Ride or Roll to 5k a day

Date: 13/04/21 - 21/05/21

Activity Title: Run, Ride or Roll to 5k a Day

Centre Name: Applewood Community Centre

Description: The aim is each person that signs up will complete an average of 5k a day by either walking, jogging, cycling or while using a mobility device. This will total to 35k each week! If you wish to complete 4k one day and 6k the next day that is great as long as you commit to completing 35k each week! Once completed please send a weekly screenshot update to [email protected] or to Applewood CC Facebook.