Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2023
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2023 was announced by Minister Heather Humphreys on July 21st 2023.
Under the scheme this year Grants will be made available to support the development of outdoor projects. The 2023 Scheme is designed to support the revitalisation of rural Ireland through a renewed focus on town centre regeneration and enhancing economic and social vibrancy in line with the Town Centre First policy. This will be achieved through projects focusing on town centre regeneration, enhancing our Streetscapes and bringing vacant and derelict buildings back into use as community multi-purpose spaces through refurbishment and renovation.
Priority will be afforded to projects that align with the objectives of Our Rural Future and Town Centre First with a focus on:
- Investment in infrastructure to support town and village centre markets.
- Bringing vacant and derelict buildings back into use a multi-purpose community spaces, or to address remote working needs.
- Investing in the development of parks, green spaces and recreational amenities in town centres.
- A new option to allow local authorities to acquire plots of land to enable development of town regeneration, such as town parks, plazas etc; and
- Refurbishment of existing community centres.
- Projects that include nature based solutions or contain a strong sustainability focus will be given additional examination and may be considered more favourably.
Potential projects should have been identified as part of a Town Centre First plan, strategic / statutory plan, County Development Plan, Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) or similar, produced for the town or village.
Fingal’s Town Regeneration Office are now seeking Expressions of Interest for potential schemes for inclusion in the 2023 application to the Department of Rural and Community Development. Interested parties should return the completed form to [email protected]/span> before close of business on October 6th 2023.