Voting and Elections
Check the Register
Local Elections June 7, 2024
See key dates in relation to ensuring you can vote on June 7th.
Key Dates |
Date |
Time |
Last date to apply for Postal Vote |
11/05/2024 |
Last date for voter registration | 20/05/2024 | |
Election Date | 07/06/2024 | Polls open 7am - 10pm |
The Electoral Reform Act 2022 has changed the electoral registration process and you will now require your PPSN, date of birth and Eircode to complete the registration process or make amendments. ***Note already registered voters will not be removed if they don't provide this information
You can check if you are on the Register, register to vote or amend your details and address by logging on to
or (if you have a public service card or a MyGovID account)
or by completing one of the forms below and returning the form to us at:
Register of Electors
Fingal County Council
County Hall
Co. Dublin
You can register to vote if you are:
- 18 years or over on the day of the vote and
- Resident in Ireland
Irish Citizens can vote in:
- General Elections
- European Elections
- Local Elections
- Presidential Elections
- Referendums
British Citizens can vote in:
- General Elections
- Local Elections
European Union Citizens:
- European Elections
- Local Elections
Non-European Union Citizens:
- Local Elections
You can vote in a local election if you are a non-EU citizen, regardless of the type of residence you hold, or if you are seeking asylum and have not had a decision on your application.
Those aged 16-17, can pre-register to vote on They will be automatically added to the register once they turn 18 years old.
If you have any queries on registering to vote, updating your details or on the check the register website, you can contact the Franchise Team at [email protected]
Your address is required as it affects where you will vote. Providing your Eircode helps to accurately identify your address. To vote, you must be living full time at an address in the State.
There are several reasons why this might be the case:
Unless you enter your name and address exactly as they are listed on the register then you won’t find your details. For example; you search for Main Street when it is called Main Road on the Register.
Can your name be spelt another way for example O’Donnell, ODonnell, O'Donnell , Claire, Clare, Sean without a fada etc. Unless you are querying it the way it is entered on the system you won’t be able to find your records. Every effort is made to ensure your name is spelt correctly. If it isn’t please let us know and it can be amended on request.
You are on the supplemental register which is not viewable online.
You are on the draft register. You are not on the Register of Electors until after the 15th February of the following year.
A misspelling is regretted and should be notified to the Council when the draft register is published. If however you are late checking the register and have only now become aware please email [email protected] with the phrase “incorrect spelling of name” in the subject bar. This office can notify the Returning Officer of the issue to ensure you can vote on polling day. You will still be required to present evidence of identity.
If you didn’t apply in time to be included on the Draft Register then you can apply at any time of the year to be included on the Supplemental Register. You are automatically transferred from the Supplemental Register to the Live Register at the time of publication of the next Live Register. If you are on the Supplemental Register you will be voting at Table 1 in the designated Polling Location. Polling Cards for those on the Supplement are sent out after those on the Live Register as the closing date for receipt of applications is so close to Polling Day.
The latest date is 14 days prior to Polling Day excluding Sundays and Public Holidays. If the Council refuses to accept your application for inclusion you can appeal this decision to the County Registrar. Note: the deadline to be added to the register for the Referendums on March 8th is 5pm on February 20th 2024
If you are still unsure about what to do, a helpful FAQ is available which may help answer any queries you may have:
If you are still unsure about what to do, a helpful FAQ is available which may help answer any queries you may have: