Welcoming 2019 & Celebrating New Year’s Resolutions at Your Local Fingal County Library
Happy New Year from all of us at Fingal County Libraries.
It’s that time again, as we return to work from an indulgent festive break, we pause to reflect on a year gone by and, for many, pledge to carve out an overall better version of ourselves and our lifestyles for the year ahead. And while some, if not all, of our annual vows are but a re-emergence of those good intentions consigned to the bin early last year, we optimistically resolve this is going to be our year. We here at Fingal County Libraries have a myriad of FREE resources to help you on your way!
History of New Year’s Resolutions:
Why do we set these goals and why at this chosen time of year? Turns out, it’s a time-honoured tradition dating back 4,000 years to ancient Babylon, where the New Year (starting at the vernal equinox) was celebrated for 11 days, accompanied by resolutions to return agricultural equipment borrowed the previous year. The Romans adopted this tradition of New Year, together with resolutions. The timing, however, eventually shifted with the Julian calendar to the month of January which was named for the two-faced Roman god, Janus, who looks forward for new beginnings as well as backwards for reflection and resolution. And so we continue to celebrate New Year by responding in kind today!

Nation’s most common resolutions:
So, what are the nation’s most common resolutions? Statistics show the classics trending at the top, with health, fitness and finance all sharing the prime spot. Closely following are aspirations focusing on self and family, as well as learning new skills and hobbies, with career choices also ranking prominently. And let’s not forget a solid count on those who allow the New Year pass resolving not to resolve!

“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon
FREE Fingal County Library resources to help you on your way:
FREE through your local Fingal Library, website and apps – Resources to help you achieve your New Year’s Goals!
Universal Class – FREE Online e-learning, with over 500 courses available to help fulfil your lifelong pursuit of knowledge and educational goals, with a comprehensive catalogue from which to choose. Courses, which cover topics from Accounting, Law & Legal and Computers & Technology to Psychology, Parenting & Family and Arts & Music (plus hundreds more), are facilitated by tutors who will oversee your learning and offer assessment and certification. Courses can be completed at your own pace. Whatever your interest, you’re sure to find a course to suit!
ArtistWorks - Join a thriving creative community with FREE Video-Based Music Instruction. Rivalling a real-life learning experience, enjoy expert instruction through self-paced video lessons from world-renowned musical professionals. Watch lessons, practice and submit for feedback. Hear the difference in your playing today!
Mango Languages Online – Looking to learn a new language or learn phrases for an upcoming trip? Curious about different cultures? Mango Languages provides audio tutorials to practice reading, listening, and speaking in over 70 different languages, as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) and speciality courses. Courses are a carefully constructed sequence of lessons using native speakers and everyday conversations. Go Gcuire Dia an
t-ádh ort! (Best of luck to you!)
BorrowBox – If prying yourself awayfrom your current favourite book obsession proves a task all too difficult, why not join Borrowbox and easily access eBooks and eAudiobooks anywhere and everywhere! BorrowBox allows you browse, borrow and listen to your library’s wide-ranging e-collection by simply registering with your library membership details and downloading onto your device – it’s a world of information and entertainment at your fingertips!
Healthy Ireland at your Library – A new year, a new you? With better health and well-being being a steadfast in the most popular lifelong goals, your local Fingal County Library offers a myriad of resources to help you on your way! Healthy Ireland, a government-led initiative, is a national strategy which aims to create an Irish society where physical and mental health is enjoyed by all and is valued and supported by and accessible to all strata of society. The Healthy Ireland at your Library programme places your local library as a valuable informational hub, providing an extensive range of FREE resources, services and supports to patrons and community alike.
Work Matters at the Library – Out with the old, in with the new? If the arrival of a new year acts as a catalyst in pursuing that new career you have always desired, embarking on new employment or returning to work, or venturing on a new business start-up, your local Fingal County library can help facilitate your quest. Work Matters at the Library acts as an informational centre and workspace for anyone seeking employment and career development as well as entrepreneurs of all levels. Library resources include books, reference materials and business advice clinics – plus much more. Just drop in and ask!
Find My Past – The new year, for many, marks the perfect opportunity to take stock of what has come before, creating a blueprint for who we are today. Perhaps even delving back that little bit further may just be a point of interest for many. Findmypast Ireland at your local Fingal County Library is a FREE online family history resource which will help you understand your Irish heritage and make amazing discoveries about your ancestors. Who will you find today?
Jigsaw – With the new year being a natural time for reflection, we may use this period to look inward and ascertain how we are feeling and evaluate our mental health. Jigsaw’s aim is to create a society where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported. In collaboration with Jigsaw North Fingal and Jigsaw Dublin 15, Fingal Libraries facilitate the ‘Read you Mind’ book project – a catalogue comprising an invaluable collection of 113 books on an extensive range of mental health topics. Items are available to young people, parents and family, FREE from your local Fingal Library.