Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030

Thank you to all who contributed to the development to the new Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030, during the two phases of public consultation.
The Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030 was approved by the Fingal Heritage Forum and accepted at the December 2023 County Council meeting. The new plan can be viewed here
Plean Oidhreachta Fhine Gall 2024-2030
Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030
Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment screening reports were prepared as part of the plan making process.
The County Council, specifically the Heritage Officer has a coordinating role in developing and implementing the Fingal Heritage Plan. However, Fingal Heritage Plan is a cross-sectoral plan incorporating strategic objectives and actions to be implemented by many groups, agencies and organisations involved in the care, protection and management of heritage in Fingal. The implementation of the plan will only be achieved in partnership with all stakeholders. If you would like to get involved in any aspects of the plan implementation, please contact the Fingal Heritage Officer, Christine Baker at [email protected]
Fingal Heritage Draft Consultation
The Draft Heritage Plan 2024-2030 was formulated to reflect the views of the public and stakeholders expressed during Stage 1 of the consultation process. The Draft Plan set out a vision and strategic objectives for our shared heritage. It includes all types of heritage, how they interlink and connect and how we can best protect and access our heritage. Submissions and observations were invited via the consultation portal or in writing.
Timed to take advantage of the rise in public awareness for heritage, following Heritage Week 2023 the consultation period for the Draft Plan extended from Wednesday 23 August to Wednesday 04 October 2023 (inclusive). The consultation process was promoted extensively via the Fingal Communications Unit, the website and through social media. A live online webinar with the Heritage Officer took place on Tuesday 26th September, which was recorded and could be viewed, subsequently. A total of 10 submissions were received. A report on the submissions and amended Draft Plan was presented to the Fingal Heritage Forum, and subsequently brought to Council, where it was approved on the 11th December 2023.
View or Download:
Draft Fingal Heritage Plan 2024-2030
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA)
An Online Webinar took place on Tuesday 26th September, you can view the recording below.
Draft Heritage Plan 2024-2030 Webinar Recording
Fingal Heritage Pre-Draft Consultation
Pre-Draft consultation took place between 05 April-19 May 2023 (see report below) and included in-person drop-in sessions, stakeholder workshops and an online survey, from which a total of 266 responses were received. The information gathered during the pre-draft consultation process contributed to the development of a Draft Heritage Plan for Fingal and assisted in prioritising areas for heritage action up to 2030.
Fingal Heritage Plan - Report of Pre-Draft Consultation
View the current Fingal Heritage Plan 2018-2023 here
Queries to Fingal Heritage Officer, [email protected]
View the Fingal Heritage Plan Pre-Draft Consultation Video Below