Education and training providers will frequently provide career guidance services and you can also access career experts in the private sector who can offer advice. In Fingal, ETB course learners can access free and confidential career advice
There are almost 30,000 places on PLC courses available each year, as well as a range of apprenticeships and traineeships, across every county in Ireland.
If you are on a social welfare payment you may be able to access the Back to Education Programme which can help you to enter second-level and third-level education. Under the Part-Time Education Option, you can keep your Jobseeker's Allowance or Jobseeker's Benefit and attend a part-time day or evening course to enhance your chances of getting a job.
Modular courses are shorter, more focused courses which are offered in a flexible way through blended or online learning to allow people to gain important skills without taking a considerable period away from their work.