Fingal Age Friendly Initiatives
Older Persons Support
To find out about Age Friendly Fingal Visit our Age Friendly Landing Page
On the 27th of July 2023 – Fingal’s OPC hosted Vintage Picnic, Arts Creativity and Music Festival for over 55’s in Swords Castle
read more here Vintage Picnic
Interactive videos on how to exercise your voice
Voices convey passion and excitement; voices can convey anything, whether it's a feeling, a place, or an idea. Changes in your voice form from aging cause the vocal fold muscles to weaken or lose muscle strength, making it harder to speak. This increased effort to talk causes the voice to tire more quickly. . So it is important as we age to continue to speak and sing out loud and proud to exercise those all-important voice muscles.
The Irish Institute of Music and Song in partnership with Fingal Age Friendly have produced 4 interactive videos demonstrating fun ways for you to exercise your voice on a daily basis.
So grab some friends or your family and Sing along and have fun while you exercise
Give it a go!
Keeping Your Voice Healthy 1- Age Friendly
Keeping Your Voice Healthy 2 - Age Friendly
You've Got Rhythm 1 - Age Friendly
You've Got Rhythm 2 - Age Friendly

Age Friendly Fingal Guide 2021
The Fingal Age Friendly Guide is being brought to you through our #Keep Well Campaign. You will find a wide range of information on the services, supports and activities which aim to support our mental health and wellbeing over the coming year.
Our Age Friendly Fingal Guide 2021 is being delivered across the county to members of our older population over the next week, I hope you enjoy. Read it online here.
Age Friendly Strategy 2018 - 2023
On September 9, 2011, we became the first County in the Dublin Region to go Age Friendly. Our programme is led by the Fingal Alliance and we have also established a local Older People’s Council which represents the views of older people within the Alliance.
The Fingal Age Friendly County Strategy 2018 - 2023 is available here: Age Friendly Strategy Straitéis Aoisbhá Fhine Gall 2018 - 2023
Read the latest Age Friendly Newsletters
Age Friendly Ireland Newsletter 29.09.2023
Age Friendly Ireland Newsletter 22.09.2023
Age Friendly Ireland Newsletter 15.09.2023
Age Friendly Ireland Newsletter 08.09.2023
Two important Age Friendly Documents Launched
Mayor of Fingal, Councillor Anthony Lavin in the company of Minister Damien English T.D. launched two important documents as part of Fingal County Council’s Age Friendly initiative in The Atrium, Fingal County Council, Swords on Monday March 25th 2019. The report The Provision of Accommodation for older people in Fingal Engaging with the Private Sector and its accompanying information leaflet 10 Ways to Construct a More Lifetime Adaptable and Age Friendly Home” are important additions to the work of Fingal County Council in enhancing their approach to the provision of life cycle adaptable and age appropriate housing across the County at construction stage.
Fingal HAPI Report
On December 5,2016 the Fingal Healthy & Positive Ageing Indicators Report was launched by Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne, TD. To view the report please click this link: Fingal Healthy & Positive Ageing Indicators Report